These are slides from selected talks I given over the years at conferences and seminars. For a complete list of my
talks please refer to my CV.
- A brief history of randomness [pdf]
- Turing degrees and randomness for continuous measures [pdf]
- Kolmogorov complexity and Diophantine approximation [pdf]
- Randomness and definability hierarchies [pdf]
- Effective aspects of diophantine approximation [pdf]
- Random graphs, finite extension constructions, and complexity [pdf]
- Algorithmic randomness and determinacy [pdf]
- Stochasticity for random graphs [pdf]
- The topology of random graphons [pdf]
- Patterns in Nature [pdf]
Penn State Brandywine, Spring Speaker Series, April 2015
see also: http://brandywine.psu.edu/story/917/2015/04/02/explore-natures-geometry-nsf-researcher-april-8
- Algorithmically random point processes [pdf]
- Mini-Course on Algorithmic Randomness
[Lecture 1]
[Lecture 2]
[Lecture 3]
[Lecture 4]
[Lecture 5]
BASICS Summer School, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, August 2014
- Effective multifractal spectra [pdf]
- Definability and Randomness [pdf]
- The Structure of NCR inside Δ_2 [pdf]
- Effective Geometric Measure Theory [pdf]
- Mutual Theories of Algorithmic Information [pdf]
- Measures and Their Random Reals [pdf]
- The Metamathematics of Randomness [pdf]
- Effectively Closed Set of Measures and Randomness [pdf]
- Randomness -- Beyond Lebesgue Measure [pdf]
- Effective Fractal Dimension [pdf]
- The Metamathematics of Algorithmic Randomness [pdf]
- Trees of Non-Trivial Hausdorff Measure in Computability Theory
- Fractal Dimensions in Recursion Theory [pdf]
- The Effective Dimension of Cones and Degrees [pdf]
- Measures and Randomness [pdf]
- Kolmogorov-Loveland Randomness and Stochasticity [pdf]
- On Hierarchies of Randomness Tests [pdf]
- Schnorr Dimension [pdf]
- Hausdorff Dimension, Randomness, and Entropy [pdf]
- Random Functions [pdf]
- Borel normaility, automata, and complexity [pdf]
- Hausdorff Dimension, Zufälligkeit und Berechenbarkeit [pdf]
- On Selection Functions that Do Not Preserve Normality [pdf]
- Hausdorff measures and perfect subsets [pdf]