Try It Yourself#

Exercise 1#


\[\dfrac{3}{x-1} - \dfrac{5}{2x+1}\]

as a single ratio.

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Answer: \(\dfrac{x+8}{(x-1)(2x+1)}\)

Exercise 2#

Expand \((8x+11)(2x-5)\) using the FOIL method.

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Answer: \(16x^2 - 18x - 55\)

Exercise 3#

Expand \(5x^6(3x-4)^2\).

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Answer: \(45x^8 - 120x^7 + 80x^6\)

Exercise 4#

Expand \((1+3x)(1-3x)(2+x)\).

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Answer: \(2 + x - 18x^2 - 9x^3\)

Exercise 5#

Factor \(4x^5 - 25x^3\).

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Answer: \(x^3(2x-5)(2x+5)\) (use difference of squares)

Exercise 6#


\[\dfrac{2x^4 - 2x^3 -12x^2}{9x^2 - x^4}\]

by factoring both the numerator and the denominator. Assume that \(x\neq 0\) and \(x\neq 3\).

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Answer: \(-2(x+2)/(x+3)\)

Exercise 7#

Factor and simplify \(10x(x+2)^5 - 5x^2(x+2)^3\).

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Answer: \(5x(x+2)^3(2x^2+7x + 8)\)

Exercise 8#

Sketch the graph of the line defined by \(y + 2 = \dfrac{1}{4}(x-5)\). Use the fact that the line is described in point-slope form.

Long Text Description

There is a horizontal x-axis with the points -4, 4, 8, 12, and 16 marked. There is a vertical y-axis with the points -4, -2, and 2 marked. There is a grey grid of one unit by one unit cells in the background.

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Answer: Line through the point \((5,-2)\) with a slope of \(1/4\).

Exercise 9#

Find all values of \(x\) such that \(x^2 - 16 > 0\). Write your answer using interval notation.

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Answer: \((-\infty,-4) \cup (4,\infty)\)

Exercise 10#

Sketch the graph of

\[f(x) = 12x^2 - x - 6\]

by finding the \(x\) and \(y\)-intercepts (see Graphing, Example 6).

Long Text Description

There is a horizontal x-axis with the points -1 and 1 marked. There is a vertical y-axis with the points -8, -6, -4, -2, 2, 4, and 6 marked. There is a grey grid of one quarter unit by one unit cells in the background.

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Answer: Parabola that opens upward and goes through the points \((0,-6)\), \((3/4,0)\), and \((-2/3,0)\).

Exercise 11#

Determine the domain of each of the following functions. Write your answer using interval notation.

  1. \(g(x) = \dfrac{x}{12x^2 - x - 6}\)

  2. \(h(x) = \dfrac{x}{\sqrt{12x^2 - x - 6}}\)

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Answer: 1.) \((-\infty,-2/3) \cup (-2/3,3/4) \cup (3/4,\infty)\),
2.) \((-\infty,-2/3) \cup (3/4,\infty)\)